Friday Morning Training

Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th

Drupal Camp Asheville is proud to host morning training workshops on Friday, July 12, 2024! Each of these workshops is included in the price of the camp admission and taught by a world-class instructor.

Friday Schedule

Registration: 8:30am-9am EDT
Morning Trainings: 9am-12pm EDT
Lunch Break (provided in Brown Dining Hall): 12-1pm
Unconference: 1-4pm EDT
Friday Prize Raffle and Closing: 4-4:15pm EDT

Space for these workshops is extremely limited, so please only register if you are 100% positive that you'll be able to attend.

Register Now and select a training as your Friday Morning Activity.

Absolute Beginner's Guide to Drupal

Are you new to Drupal? Then the Absolute Beginner's Guide to Drupal is the class for you.

In this training, you'll learn all of the key concepts you need to understand, navigate, and use a Drupal site. You'll learn how to build a Drupal 10 site, from content and user organization to working with modules and themes. You'll also receive our "Site Building Guide" that will help you as you move forward with Drupal.

This class will be entirely hands-on. You'll have a Drupal site in front of you and will be actively working and learning throughout the class.

Attendees will not only participate in the training, but after registering will get 6 months of access to all our online Drupal training.

Who is the ideal audience member, the person who would get the most out of this training?

People new to Drupal - absolute beginners!

What will attendees take away from this training?

The training is completely hands-on. Attendees will not only participate in the training, but after registering will get a discount to access all our online Drupal training.

What kind of technical knowledge do people need going into this training?


Rod Martin
Rod Martin
Director of Training at Open Source Training

Professional Drupal Module Development Tools (Visual Studio Code + DDEV/Lando)

Looking to set up your local development environment with tools necessary to build top-notch Drupal custom modules? In this half-day workshop, Mike Anello, lead instructor of DrupalEasy's 90-hour Professional Module Development course, will help you set up Visual Studio Code alongside your existing DDEV or Lando installation with all the plugins, extensions, and code quality tools to put you in a position to succeed. Tools covered will include Drupal Coder (phpcs, phpcbf), PhpStan, PhpUnit, and Xdebug. 

Who is the ideal audience member, the person who would get the most out of this training?

Drupal developers looking to improve their local module development tooling and increase efficiency.

What will attendees take away from this training?

The ability to easily integrate code quality tools into their everyday workflow.

What kind of technical knowledge do people need going into this training?

Familiarity with Visual Studio Code. Comfort on the command line, including Drush and Composer. A fresh Drupal 10 site up-and-running in DDEV or Lando.

Professional Module Development Tools title slide.
Michael Anello
Michael Anello

Mike Anello, also known as "ultimike," is a well-known figure in the Drupal community. He has been involved with Drupal for many years and is recognized for his contributions to Drupal training, consulting, and community activities.

Learn Laravel: Intro for Drupal Developers

Learn to build web apps with Laravel

Laravel development is very complementary to Drupal development. This will be a quick intro to Laravel, learning the basics that will allow you to build apps from scratch.

We'll work through using Blade (Laravel's templating language, like Twig in Drupal) as a front-end, build the Chirper app together, ask questions, and learn where to go for more info.

We will cover Database generation with migrations, Database queries with Eloquent, database seeding, front-end with Blade, Laravel routing system, Laravel controllers, Laravel middleware, Laravel authentication, etc.

Who is the ideal audience member, the person who would get the most out of this training?

  • Any Drupal developer that writes PHP.
  • Front-end developers that are interested in learning more about Back-end development.
  • Developers at any level are welcome.

What will attendees take away from this training?

  • An understanding of Laravel basics.
  • When to use Laravel over Drupal.

What kind of technical knowledge do people need going into this training?

  • Some familiarity with the command line and Git.
  • Can build a local Drupal site using Lando or DDEV. 
  • Basic understanding of PHP.

Before attending the training

Please have the following downloaded and installed on your laptop:

  1. PhpStorm or Visual Studio Code
  2. Docker Desktop and Lando
Lee Walker
Code Journeymen
Lee Walker and his dog

Drupal Developer for more than 15 years. Organizer of Chattanooga Drupal Users Group, and Drupal Camp Chattanooga.