Front End

Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th

Evolving Your Stylesheets for the Modern Web

Mike Herchel

The pace of modern front-end development doesn’t let up. New standards, APIs, techniques, and best practices are being introduced on a monthly basis.

This presentation will walk a front-end developer through vital new standards that we will be seeing more frequently. 

This includes

Build a powerful, highly performant search application with React, Apache Solr, and Drupal

Chris Russo and Dan Murphy
Savas Labs

This spring, our team built a high performing, ultra fast search interface for a client Drupal site using React JS, Apache Solr, and the Drupal Search API module.

This project allowed the client to leverage some of the well-established benefits of decoupling Drupal's content from the presentation layer, while also avoiding many of the challenges that complete decoupling involves.

JavaScript ES6: The best vanilla you’ve ever tasted

Ryan Hagerty

Today’s JavaScript can be a clutter of confusing context and workarounds for a lack of language features, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Imagine if we could demystify the this keyword, squash asynchronous callbacks with ease and include features like modules and classes — all without the dependency of a third party library.

Creating an online business workflow with no custom code

Jon Firebaugh

What started out as a simple brochure website has become a file repository with workflow automation replacing MS Word documents, that were tedious to fill out. The entire site is built from contrib with no custom code!

Drupal has been promoted as being modular like a set of legos and this session demonstrates the capabilities that Drupal offers to non-developer site builders.

Modern Javascript Round Up - ES2015

Adam Smith

Together we will review how you can write ES2015 / ES6 syntax in your Drupal application. We will learn how to run a "transpiler" in order to build backwards-compatible javascript while utilizing modern syntax. We will compare old techniques to modern techniques so you can start refactoring immediately.

Key syntax features to be discussed: