Business Development
Drupal Camp Asheville 2025 - July 11th-13th
Internal workflow, Marketing, Sales, SEO
How to Find and Retain Drupal Talent
If your business runs on Drupal in some capacity, you understand the need for having great software teams to keep everything running smoothly. Finding developers, themers, project managers, designers, and the like that have great Drupal experience and mesh well with your broader team is essential. Creating an environment that keeps them around can be just as important.
9 Essentials of Web Marketing Success
Once you have your Website online, how do you get FOUND on the Internet? How does Google Work? How do I use the Web to acquire new customers?
Long-time Drupalist and Digital Media Consultant Tom Sliker reveals the methods his clients have used to expand their businesses, growing sales and reaching new customers. Learn how a business can dominate a local market's search results.
Creating an online business workflow with no custom code
What started out as a simple brochure website has become a file repository with workflow automation replacing MS Word documents, that were tedious to fill out. The entire site is built from contrib with no custom code!
Drupal has been promoted as being modular like a set of legos and this session demonstrates the capabilities that Drupal offers to non-developer site builders.
The Content Development Bottleneck: Don’t Let Content Slow Down Your Development Projects
Website development companies have long struggled with the challenge of getting website content from clients in a timely manner. This causes a variety of problems for web development and programming companies including mismatched expectations, extended project timelines, excessive client communication, delayed project payment timelines, and in some cases unhappy clients.
Agile Design
For teams familiar with traditional project phases, a common question when considering using an agile methodology is: Where does the creative team and its phases fit into an agile process?
When "you never get a second chance to make a first impression," how do you design iteratively and "fail fast"?
One Deployment Workflow: Drupal 6-8 on all hosting providers... Say whah!?
Business Ethics in an Open Source Community
Idiot-proofing Drupal
UNC Asheville recently completed a 2-year project to design, develop, and implement 2 new Drupal themes for our 100+ websites. One theme was externally facing, the other an administrative theme.
Web Accessibility
This session will cover several areas on web accessibility. Web Accessibility 101 and the legal aspect for business. This talk is not specific to Drupal, but focuses on best practices that apply to any website.
Some of the accessibility 101 things I will cover are: