User Experience & Accessibility

Drupal Camp Asheville 2024 - July 12th-14th

The Future of Accessibility is Choice

Carie Fisher

Every day we have a series of choices to make. Get up early to work-out or hit snooze and sleep a bit longer? Make a nutritious meal at home or order something maybe just a bit less healthy to go? Finally, stop rocking sweatpants at work or switch to wearing PJs instead? All the choices we make - even the little ones - shape our identities and empower us in our own lives.

Rebuilding the College Website During a Pandemic: A Journey of Discovery

Kevin Pittman
Georgia Institute of Technology

A look at my 2020 year-long project of migrating the website for the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts at Georgia Tech from a completely proprietary content system to Drupal 9, all while dealing with the uncertainties and headaches of a pandemic.  We'll explore how I dealt with finding and getting content out of a one-of-a-kind CMS with zero documentation and managed the project with virt

Words Matter: The Language of Accessibilty

Denise Erazmus
Promet Source

Words Matter and awareness of how powerful even the most subtle language distinctions can be is an important factor in understanding human experience.  In this presentation we will discuss the language used in daily life and examine how and why certain words and phrases can be hurtful to members of the disabled community -- even if no harm is intended.  Covered topics will include: